Everyone remembers seeing commercials for their favorite cereal brands run between their favorite Saturday morning cartoons. Cheerios, Corn Flakes, Wheaties, Froot Loops! Each advertisement would feature brightly-colored cartoon characters and children enjoying a hearty bowl of their favorite oats. At the end, the camera would zoom out to a carefully composed image full of your favorite breakfast foods -- a big glass of milk, bananas, buttered toast, orange juice, the works! And inevitably, the narrator would say, “All a part of this nutritious breakfast!” Although the kids were only interested in the cereal, the parents knew their kids couldn’t get all of the nutrition they needed from a simple bowl of Captain Crunch. They knew their children needed fruit, milk, and whole wheat toast along with their cereal to get all their necessary vitamins and minerals. Just as cereal is just one -- very delicious, and important -- part of the nutritious breakfast, so is direct mail just o...