Perhaps you have decided direct mail is worth investment, but aren’t sure how to go about using it to meet your goals. Luckily the USPS did a study in 2014 that gives us some insight into consumer behavior and the efficacy of different direct mail options. It turns out that postcards are the most effective means of direct mail communication. According to the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), 50.9% of consumers find postcards to be “useful”, making them the most favored form of direct mail . Postcards polled much stronger than “letter-size envelopes”, which were only considered to be useful by 26.8% of those polled. “Larger than letter envelopes” polled in the middle of the three, at 42.9% useful. This perceived usefulness is evident in the rates at which different types of direct mail are read. Post cards again lead at 50-55% , while larger than letter envelope content is only read by a member of the household 41% of the time. Letter size falls further behind at 3...